If-Else/Switch-Case Programming Questions

1. WAP to accept any number and check the number is positive or negative.

2. WAP to accept any number and check the number is odd or even.

3. WAP to accept any number and check the year is leap year or not.

4. WAP to accept two numbers and find the largest number between them.

5. WAP to accept any number and check the number is Buzz or not.

6. WAP to accept three numbers and find the largest number between them.

7. WAP to accept any number and check whether it is vowel or consonent.

9. WAP to accept a character and check the character is upper case, lower case, Digit or special symbol or not.

10. WAP to accept three angles of a triangle and check the triangle is valid or not. The triangle is valid if the total of three angle = 180 degrees.

11. WAP to accept three angle of a triangle and check the triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene.

12. WAP to accept a day number from the user and print the corresponding day name.