Basic Programming Questions

1. WAP to display your name.

2. WAP to display your name and your age in different line using one output statement.

3. WAP to find addition of two numbers.

4. WAP to accept 5 subject numbers and find their sum and average.

5. WAP to accept 2 numbers and swap them using third variable.

6. WAP to accept any number and find their square and cube value.

7. WAP to accept 2 numbers and swap them without using third variable and '+','-' operator.

8. WAP to accept length and breadth of a rectangle and find the area and perimeter of a rectangle.

9. WAP to accept radius of circle and find area and circumference of a circle.

10. WAP to accept the value of one side of a square and find the area and perimeter of square.

11. WAP to accept the temperature in Centigrade degree and find the temperature in Fahrenheit degree.

12. WAP to accept the temperature in Fahrenheit degree and find the temperature in Centigrade degree.